
Forms and Logistics

Here you’ll find a variety of links and resources for modifications to your degree, changes of majors / additions of minors, and a host of others!

For the various forms mentioned below, you may be required to obtain signatures from certain individuals or offices; the current contacts as mentioned in the following table are:

Form Use Prerequisites What to Do
Unit Override You want to register for more than 18 units in a semester GPA 3.5 or better, non-probation Complete the Unit Override section with the desired number of units, then send to the Dean’s Office Contact listed above.
Time Conflict You need to register for two courses whose time windows overlap The instructors of the overlapping courses have given their approval to let you enroll in both Complete the Time Conflict section with the course information, obtain the signatures of each instructor, then send to the Dean’s Office Contact listed above.
Course Audit You wish to audit a course, which will appear on your transcript, but will not count for a grade or units It is 2 weeks into the semester, the course is not full, and you have obtained instructor consent Complete the Course Audit section with the course information, obtain the instructor’s signature, then send to the Dean’s Office Contact listed above.
Independent Studies You wish to pursue an independent studies course with an instructor. You have configured the structure of the course with the instructor, obtained their consent to instruct you, and have a course description / name Complete the given form with the instructor, obtain their signature, send to the CS Department Chair for signature, and finally the Dean’s Office Contact.
Addition of Major / Minor You wish to add some other field of study to your degree, which will appear on your diploma upon satisfactory completion of its required classes You have obtained the permission of the minor / major department that you are joining by first contacting that department’s chair, and have met with your Academic Advisor to discuss the addition Complete the Major / Minor addition sections as relevant, and first obtain the signature of the Department Chair of the Major / Minor being added. Then, if required, send to the Dean’s Office Contact above.
Change of Major / Dropping Minor You wish to change majors or drop a previously declared minor from your degree Same as above Same as above except you complete the “Drop” section of the form, and if changing majors, must complete both “Add” and “Drop” sections.
Summer Course Approval You wish to take a course during the summer at another college or university, but you need approval from LMU before enrolling for the summer course, to insure that the course will transfer to your LMU transcript Use this form to request a review of courses to be taken elsewhere for the purpose of transferring degree credit to LMU. Before submitting this form, know the policies concerning transferability of courses to LMU given in http://bulletin.lmu.edu/content.php?catoid=12&navoid=493#Transfer_Credit_and_Articulation in the University Bulletin. Also, this is an online form / submission so get as much detail as you can before accessing the form to make it easy on yourself.